

Od ukupno 7.957 ubistava

# Tim Vreme Vreme % Ubistava Ubistva % Smrti Smrti % Ups
1 The BLU 20d 15:24h 50% 4.192 53% 3.764 47% 1.11
2 The RED 20d 04:44h 49% 3.765 47% 4.195 53% 0.90
3 Spectator 0d 03:36h 0% - 0% - 0% 0.00


Od ukupno 7.955 ubistava

# Tim Vreme Vreme % Ubistava Ubistva % Smrti Smrti % Ups
1 scout 7d 03:49h 18% 1.292 16% 1.458 18% 0.89
2 spy 5d 09:55h 13% 855 11% 1.081 14% 0.79
3 demoman 5d 04:59h 13% 1.068 13% 967 12% 1.10
4 soldier 5d 02:10h 13% 1.272 16% 1.103 14% 1.15
5 sniper 5d 01:55h 12% 1.118 14% 1.114 14% 1.00
6 pyro 3d 22:51h 10% 757 10% 816 10% 0.93
7 engineer 3d 21:55h 10% 731 9% 566 7% 1.29
8 heavyweapons 3d 00:12h 7% 601 8% 406 5% 1.48
9 medic 1d 21:25h 5% 261 3% 436 5% 0.60