

Od ukupno 2.452.495 ubistava

# Tim Vreme Vreme % Ubistava Ubistva % Smrti Smrti % Ups
1 The RED 2y 25d 17:43h 50% 1.239.444 51% 1.212.931 49% 1.02
2 The BLU 2y 25d 06:30h 50% 1.213.045 49% 1.239.331 51% 0.98
3 Spectator 12d 10:27h 1% 6 0% - 0% 0.00


Od ukupno 2.446.014 ubistava

# Tim Vreme Vreme % Ubistava Ubistva % Smrti Smrti % Ups
1 spy 239d 08:32h 16% 389.256 16% 372.200 16% 1.05
2 soldier 197d 20:26h 13% 442.633 18% 279.908 12% 1.58
3 scout 196d 22:48h 13% 203.975 8% 361.472 15% 0.56
4 sniper 167d 16:02h 11% 277.489 11% 286.945 12% 0.97
5 engineer 167d 07:39h 11% 222.499 9% 196.991 8% 1.13
6 demoman 166d 15:34h 11% 325.320 13% 239.004 10% 1.36
7 pyro 158d 12:49h 11% 306.574 13% 308.113 13% 1.00
8 heavyweapons 137d 17:56h 9% 231.997 9% 229.949 10% 1.01
9 medic 58d 13:07h 4% 46.271 2% 96.449 4% 0.48